Appointment Details

RenuHealth Building 2.jpg

Why Do You Need Photos?

  • Photos of your tongue, nails, and face will be used to help find areas of deficiency/need as we develop your plan of care.

  • They will also be used to track progress in your healing. 



  • Urine sample (preferred)

    • You will need to gather a urine sample. Complete a 12 hour fast with no food/liquids. Then take a urine sample in a clear jar, seal it with a lid and take a picture of the side and underneath. If you go to the bathroom in the middle of the night we do not need that sample, just the one in the morning. It is preferred if you bring the jar with you.

  • Current medications and vitamins/supplements.

  • Samples of any protein powders, collagen, and/or bone broth you take regularly

  • Samples of tap water AND filtered drinking water from your house

  • Samples of fur from any Pet (dog/cat/etc.) that you have living with you.

  • Results from any recent lab tests that you feel are important  



  • Appointment will last for 2 hours

  • Discuss health history, current concerns, and treatment goals

  • Complete biofeedback screening to determine energetic imbalances

  • You will leave with a herb/supplement schedule and personalized imprint

  • Come with the mindset that we will discuss short term and long term diet changes to achieve optimal healing.